Provocc Experience is a timeless, theatrical show where different worlds collide and interact with each other. Allow yourself and your guests to be immersed in a sensual journey that will awaken and expand the way you experience beauty through your senses.


Taste the music, breathe in the texture, hear the flavours, caress the lights... 

YOU choose where you want that place to be.



Based in Ibiza since 2005, we’ve slowly formed an art company; a family of musicians, dancers, technicians & acrobats.

Designing an elegant experience to astonish your senses, Provocc is a creative fusion of live music, performing arts, dance, special effects... always with a quirky touch. Erecting a unique atmosphere in the venue of your choice, we will take you and your guests in a journey to an unknown place, where magic exists.

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© 2018 Provocc Productions